Ordinance for the Swedish Defence University (2007:1164)

This version contains amendments up to and including the Act on Amendment of the Ordinance for the Swedish National Defence College SFS 2024:144.

Department/Agency: Ministry of Education and Research, Sweden
Issued 22 November 2007.

This translation is for information purposes only and has no legal force. In the event of discrepancies, the Swedish-language version takes precedence.

Chapter 1 Introductory provisions

General provisions

Section 1

This ordinance contains the provisions that in conjunction with the Higher Education Act (1992:1434) apply to the Swedish Defence University.  In other respects the provisions of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) referred to specifically in this ordinance are to apply. (Ordinance 2010:1751)

Protective security issues

Section 2

/Ceases to apply: 2 January 2022/ The management by the Swedish Defence University of protective security issues is subject to the provisions of the Protective Security Act (2018:585) and the Protective Security Ordinance (2018:658). Ordinance (2018:661).

/Enters into effect: 2 January 2022/ The management by the Swedish Defence University of protective security issues is subject to the provisions of the Protective Security Act (2018:585) and the Protective Security Ordinance (2021:955). Ordinance (2021:957).

Application of the Higher Education Ordinance

Section 3

Sections 4, 5, 7, 11—14 and 16 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) apply to the Swedish Defence University. Ordinance (2018:1030).

International operations

Section 4

The Swedish Defence University is the Swedish point of contact for participation in the Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defence Academies and Security Studies Institutes.

Section 5

The Swedish Defence University may undertake the export of services within its area of operation that is compatible with its mandate in other respects. Ordinance (2010:594).

Chapter 2 The board of governors, vice-chancellor and other organisational provisions

Composition of the board of governors

Section 1

The board of governors of the Swedish Defence University shall consist of the chair and no more than fourteen other members unless otherwise stated in the second paragraph. The chair may not be employed by the Swedish Defence University. Section 4 of Chapter 2 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434) stipulates that the vice-chancellor is a member of the board. The Swedish Armed Forces and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency may each nominate one member. 

The provisions of the second paragraph of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of the Higher Education Act (1993:100) apply to the Swedish Defence University.

The board of governors shall elect one of its members to act as deputy chair. Ordinance (2018:1133).

Application of the Higher Education Ordinance

Section 2

The provisions of Sections 2—8, 10, 11 & 13 of Chapter 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) apply to the board, vice-chancellor and deputy vice-chancellor. Ordinance (2010:1751).

The research and study programmes board

Area of responsibility

Section 3

The Swedish Defence University shall have a research and study programmes board. The research and study programmes board shall be responsible for research and first, second and third cycle study programmes. The board shall also be responsible for any other tasks determined by the Swedish Defence University's board of governors. Ordinance (2018:132) 


Section 4

The research and study programmes board shall consist of at least eleven members. The majority of these members shall be persons who hold a post:

  1. as a professor, other teacher or researcher for which at least a PhD or the corresponding qualification is required, or
  2. as a teacher in a certain subject area and who is an officer and has undergone advanced military training or corresponding training.

The members laid down in the first paragraph are to be appointed by election within the higher education institution. The Swedish Defence University may issue further regulations on who is eligible for election and on the voting procedure.

In addition, the Swedish Defence University's board of governors shall appoint no more than three members who are suitable for the task and are not employed by the Swedish Defence University. At least one of these members shall represent the Swedish Armed Forces and one represent the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency.  Students at the Swedish Defence University are entitled to representation on the board by no fewer than three members. Ordinance (2010:1751).

Other organisational provisions

Section 5

Pursuant to Sections 5 & 9 of Chapter 2 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434) the Swedish Defence University decides on its own internal organisation in addition to the board, vice-chancellor and research and study programmes board. Ordinance (2010:1751)

Section 6

The provisions on student representation of the first, third and fourth paragraphs of Section 14 of Chapter 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) also apply to the Swedish Defence University. If a decision is not to be made by the research and study programmes board the third paragraph of Section 14 of Chapter 2 also applies.

The provisions in Section 16 of Chapter 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance on university libraries also applies to the Swedish Defence University.

Ordinance (2010:1751).

Staff disciplinary board

Section 7

There shall be a staff disciplinary board at the Swedish Defence University. The Swedish Defence University shall apply the Staff Representatives Ordinance (1987:1101).

Ordinance (2010:1751).

Chapter 3 Appointments at the Swedish Defence University

Section 1 

The provisions laid down in Sections 1, 3—7, 9 and 11—17 of Chapter 4 and in Chapter 5 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) shall apply to the appointment of professors, senior lecturers, lecturers and doctoral students. Ordinance (2010:1751)

Section 2

The provisions of Sections 1, 5, 9, 13—15 & 17 of Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) shall apply to the employment of officers as teachers. Section 6 of the Employment Ordinance (1994:373) shall not apply to these appointments.  The term officer is used in this ordinance to refer to those who have been employed as officers by the Swedish Armed Forces or to foreign officers. Ordinance (2010:1751).

Chapter 4 First, second and third cycle courses and study programmes


Section 1

The only qualifications that may be awarded for first, second and third cycle courses and study programmes are those listed in the annex to this ordinance. This annex also lays down in which cycle and in which field a specific qualification shall be awarded and the requirements to be fulfilled for a specific qualification (qualification descriptor). The annex also contains provisions on the title of the qualifications and their translations. Ordinance (2018:132).

Application of the Higher Education Ordinance 

Section 2

In other respects the provisions of sections 2, 3, 6—11 and 11b—11f, 13—18 and 20—36 of Chapter 6 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) apply to first, second and third cycle courses and study programmes. Ordinance (2018:132). 

Joint degrees

Section 2a

The Swedish Defence University may take part in educational cooperation as laid down in the second paragraph of Section 17 of Chapter 1 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434) only if this cooperation is based on a written agreement. Agreements of this kind may be reached with

  1. a university or higher education institution subject to the Higher Education Act
  2. an independent course provider entitled to award a qualification pursuant to the Act Concerning Authority to Award Certain Qualifications (1993:792), or
  3. a higher education institution outside Sweden that is not a physical individual. (Ordinance 2010:1751)

Section 2b

In addition to the provisions laid down in Section 11b of Chapter 6 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) the Swedish Defence University may reach an agreement pursuant to Section 2a only if the courses and programmes cannot lead to the award of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Military Studies as defined in the annex to this ordinance. Ordinance (2009:1072). (Ordinance 2010:1751)

Admission to study programmes that lead to the award of a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Military Studies

General entry requirements

Section 3

/Ceases to apply: 1 January 2022/ For admission to study programmes that lead to the award of a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Military Studies as defined in the annex to this ordinance, in addition to the general entry requirements laid down in Sections 5, 6 and 24 of Chapter 7 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), applicants are also required to:

  1. be Swedish citizens
  2. have completed basic military training as laid down in the National Defence Service Act (1994:1809) or corresponding military training, and
  3. have obtained security clearance and fulfil the requirements laid down in the Protective Security Act (2018:585) and the Protective Security Ordinance (2018:658).
  4. have been assessed by the Swedish Defence University as suited for the programme.

The Swedish Defence University may issue further regulations on the requirements laid down in the item 4 of the first paragraph above. Ordinance (2018:661). 

/Comes into effect: 1 January 2022/ For admission to study programmes that lead to the award of a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Military Studies as defined in the annex to this ordinance, in addition to the general entry requirements laid down in Sections 5, 6 and 24 of Chapter 7 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), applicants are also required to:

  1. be Swedish citizens
  2. have completed basic military training as laid down in the National Defence Service Act (1994:1809) or corresponding military training, and
  3. have obtained security clearance and fulfil the requirements laid down in the Protective Security Act (2018:585) and the Protective Security Ordinance (2018:658)
  4. have been assessed by the Swedish Defence University as suited for the programme.

The Swedish Defence University may issue further regulations on the requirements laid down in the item 4 of the first paragraph above. Ordinance (2018:1504). 

/Comes into effect: 2 January 2022/ For admission to study programmes that lead to the award of a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Military Studies as defined in the annex to this ordinance, in addition to the general entry requirements laid down in Sections 5, 6 and 24 of Chapter 7 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), applicants are also required to:

  1. be Swedish citizens,
  2. have completed basic military training as laid down in the National Defence Service Act (1994:1809) or corresponding military training, 
  3. have obtained security clearance and fulfil the requirements laid down in the Protective Security Act (2018:585) and the Protective Security Ordinance (2021:955). and
  4. have been assessed by the Swedish Defence University as suited for the programme.

The Swedish Defence University may issue further regulations on the requirements laid down in the item 4 of the first paragraph above. Ordinance (2021:957). 

Specific entry requirements

Section 4

Items 1 and 3 of the first paragraph and the second paragraph in Section 8 of Chapter 7 of the Higher Education Act (1993:100) apply to specific entry requirements for the study programmes referred to in Section 3.

The Swedish Defence University may issue regulations on the specific entry requirements for admission to the study programmes referred to in Section 3. Ordinance (2018:1504)

Application of the Higher Education Ordinance

Section 5

/Ceases to apply: 1 January 2022/ In other respects the provisions laid down in Sections 1-8, 12, 13, 17, the first and third paragraphs of Section 18 and Sections 19-23 of Chapter 7 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) apply to admission to the study programmes referred to in Section 3 above as well as the provisions in Annex 3 to the Ordinance with the exception of items 3 and 8.

The Swedish Defence University may decide on exemptions from the first paragraph of Section 13 of Chapter 7 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100). Ordinance (2010:1751)

/Enters into effect: 1 January 2022/ In other respects the provisions laid down in Sections 1-8, 12-13 and 17-23 of Chapter 7 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) apply to admission to the study programmes referred to in Section 3 above, as well as the provisions in Annex 3 to the Ordinance with the exception of items 3 and 8.

The Swedish Defence University may decide on exemptions from the first paragraph of Section 13 of Chapter 7 of the Higher Education Ordinance. Ordinance (2018:1504).

Admission to other first, second or third cycle courses and study programmes  

Section 6

/Ceases to apply: 1 January 2022/  The provisions of Sections 1-9a, 11-13, 15-28 and 30-41 of Chapter 7 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) apply to admission to other first, second or third cycle courses and study programmes at the Swedish Defence University.

The Swedish Defence University may, in so far as specific entry requirements are imposed, determine which field-specific entry requirements shall apply for a course or study programme. Ordinance (2018:132).

/Enters into effect: 1 January 2022/ The provisions of Sections 1-6, 12-13, 15-28 and 30-41 of Chapter 7 of the Higher Education Act (1993:100) apply to admission to other first, second or third cycle courses and study programmes at the Swedish Defence University. Ordinance (2018:1504).

Section 6a  

Specific entry requirements must be absolutely necessary for the student to be able to benefit from the course or study programme. The requirements may be

  1. knowledge gained from one or more courses at upper-secondary school or the equivalent knowledge, and
  2. other conditions pursuant to that stated in in item 2 of Section 6 c.

Specific entry requirements are also fulfilled by a person who, through education in Sweden or abroad, practical experience or due to other circumstances, has the prerequisites for benefitting from course or study programme. Ordinance (2018:1504).

Section 6b 

The Swedish Defence University may, in so far as specific entry requirements are imposed, determine which field-specific entry requirements pursuant to item 1 of the first paragraph of Section 6 a will apply to the courses or study programme referred to in Section 6.

The Swedish Council for Higher Education may determine which courses in upper-secondary school may be specific requirements pursuant to the first paragraph. Ordinance (2018:1504).

Section 6c   

If there are exceptional circumstances, for admission to a particular course or study programme referred to in Section 6, the Swedish Defence University may decide upon

  1. requirements for knowledge from other courses in upper-secondary school, or the equivalent knowledge, than those pursuant to the second paragraph of Section 6 b, or
  2. requirements for other conditions than knowledge gained from one or more courses at upper-secondary school or the equivalent knowledge if they are necessary for the course or study programme or are of significance to the professional field for which the course or study programme is a preparation.

Before the Swedish Defence University determines regulations pursuant to the first paragraph, the Swedish Council for Higher Education must have the opportunity to make a statement on the university’s proposal. Ordinance (2018:1504).

Disciplinary measures

Section 7

Disciplinary measures may be invoked against students admitted to or pursuing higher education studies at the Swedish Defence University pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 10 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100). (Ordinance 2010:1751).

Chapter 5 Other courses and study programmes at the Swedish Defence University

Contract education

Section 1

The Swedish Defence University may provide contract education pursuant to the Ordinance on Contract Education at Universities and University Colleges (2002:760).

The provisions of the second paragraph of Section 3 of the Ordinance on Contract Education at Universities and University Colleges shall not apply to contract education commissioned by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency or the Swedish Security Services.
Ordinance (2024:144).

Contract education for the Swedish Armed Forces 

Section 2

The Swedish Defence University may at the request of the Swedish Armed Forces arrange courses and study programmes other than those regulated by this Ordinance.

The Fees Ordinance (1992:191) is to apply to courses and study programmes pursuant to the first paragraph above. The Swedish Defence University may issue regulations on the size of these fees. Fees are to be calculated to ensure full cost recovery. (Ordinance 2010:1751)

Open web-based learning 

Section 3   

Sections 3-8 have provisions about open web-based learning. This education is not education at first, second or third cycle level laid down under the provisions of Chapter 4. Ordinance (2018:1330).

Section 4   

Open web-based learning refers to education which is offered via the internet and is open to everyone, with no entry requirements.
Open web-based learning may be provided if it links to and promotes higher education at first, second or third cycle for which the Swedish Defence University has degree-awarding powers, or if it links to and promotes research conducted at the university. Ordinance (2018:1330).

Section 5   

Other provisions on education, students and doctoral students in this ordinance or the Higher Education Ordinance do not apply to open web-based learning (1993:100).
References to this ordinance in other ordinances only include Sections 3-8 if this is specifically stated. Ordinance (2018:1330).

Section 6   

The Swedish Defence University may arrange tests for participants and grade completed courses in open web-based learning or parts of such courses.
The university may issue regulations on tests and grades. Ordinance (2018:1330).

Section 7   

The Swedish Defence University may issue course certificates to participants who complete courses.
The university may issue regulations about course certificates. Ordinance (2018:1330).

Section 8   

The Swedish Defence University may issue additional regulations about open web-based learning. Ordinance (2018:1330).

Chapter 6 Appeals

Section 1

The provisions of Chapter 12 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) apply to appeals against decisions made by the Swedish Defence University with the exception of decisions on the appointment of officers as teachers pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter 3 of this Ordinance. (Ordinance 2010:1751).

Chapter 7

New heading as chapter 6 by virtue of Ordinance (2010:1751).

Transitional provisions 

SFS 2007:1164

  1. This ordinance comes into effect on 1 January 2008 when the ordinance with instructions for the Swedish Defence University (1996:1476) ceases to apply.
  2. The reference in Section 2 of Chapter 2 to the provisions of Section 11 of Chapter 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) on the qualifications required for appointment as vice-chancellor shall be applied for the first time when a new vice-chancellor is to be appointed or at the latest from 1 October 2008.
  3. Earlier provisions regarding appeal against appointment decisions notified prior to 1 January 2008 still apply.
  4. The provisions in Chapter 5 on admission to officer-training programmes shall be applied for the first time to admissions beginning after 30 June 2008.
  5. Those who commenced a course or study programme prior to 1 January 2008, and those admitted to such courses or study programmes pursuant to previous provisions who have been granted deferment of commencement of their studies until a later date, are entitled to complete their courses or study programmes to acquire a military officer qualification pursuant to the previous provisions but to the end of June 2012 at the latest.
  6. Those admitted to 2006 study programme leading to the award of a qualification as a professional military officer [yrkesofficersprogrammet] or the 2007 programme leading to the award of a qualification as a military officer [officersprogrammet] shall at their request to the Swedish Defence University be considered to have been admitted to a study programme leading to the award of a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Military Studies as laid down in the annex to this Ordinance.

SFS 2009:1072

This ordinance comes into effect on 1 January 2010 and will apply to courses and programmes beginning after the end of June 2010.

SFS 2010:594

The provisions of this ordinance concerning Section 3 of Chapter 1 come into effect on 1 July 2010 and in other respects on 30 September 2010.

SFS 2010:1751

  1. This ordinance comes into effect on 1 January 2011.
  2. The provisions of Points 2—5, 8 & 9 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance in the wording in force on 31 December 2010, with the exception of the provision on fixed-term appointments, shall apply to those who prior to 1 January 2011 have been appointed for a fixed term pursuant to these provisions. They are to apply for as long as the appointment continues. In dealing with the transfer from a fixed-term appointment to one for an indefinite period according to the previous provisions of Point 5 in Section 30 of Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance, the provisions in Sections 7, 9 & 28 of Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance are to apply in the wording in force on 31 December 2010.
  3. The provisions of Point 6 of Section 30 and Section 8 a in Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) in the wording in force on 31 December 2010 on fixed-term appointments to associate senior lectureships may be applied until the end of September 2011.
  4. In questions relating to those appointed as associate senior lecturers before 1 October 2011 pursuant to 3 above, the provisions of Point 6 of Section 30 in Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) in the wording in force on 31 December 2010 shall be applied for as long as the appointment continues. An appointment of this kind may be extended according to the previous provisions.
  5. The provisions of Section 10 and Point 7 of Section 30 in Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) in the wording in force on 31 December 2010 on fixed-term appointments to postdoctoral research fellowships may be applied until the end of September 2011.
  6. In questions relating to those appointed as postdoctoral research fellows before 1 October 2011 pursuant to 5 above, the provisions of Point 7 of Section 30 in Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) in the wording in force on 31 December 2010 shall be applied for as long as the appointment continues. An appointment of this kind may be extended according to the previous provisions.
  7. The provisions of Sections 5, 7, 8a, 11—13a, 20—23 and 24—28 of Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) in the wording in force on 31 December 2010 shall be applied in questions relating to the promotion of teachers that have been submitted to the Swedish Defence University but not concluded before 31 December 2010. In applying the previous provisions the tasks that the research and study programme board is responsible for will be dealt with by the board or the individuals or groups of individuals determined by the Swedish Defence University.
  8. If an appointment procedure for a teacher in cases other than those referred to in 7 or according the previous provisions of Sections 2 & 35 of Chapter 4 on the employment of officers has begun but not concluded prior to 1 January 2011, the provisions of Sections 5, 7, 8a, 9, 10, 15, 20—22, 24, 24a, 26—28, and 30 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) in the wording in force on 31 December 2010 shall apply. In applying the previous provisions the tasks that the research and study programme board is responsible for will be dealt with by the board or the individuals or groups of individuals determined by the Swedish Defence University.
  9. In questions relating to those appointed after 1 January 2011 as laid down in 8 pursuant to the provisions of Points 2—5, 8 & 9 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) these provisions are to apply for as long as the appointment continues.  In applying the previous provisions the tasks that the research and study programme board is responsible for will be dealt with by the board or the individuals or groups of individuals determined by the Swedish Defence University.
  10. In calculating the period of employment of an  adjunct professor pursuant to the provisions of Section 11 of Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) in the wording in force from 1 January 2011, the period of employment as an adjunct professor pursuant to the provisions of Point 2 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance in the wording in force on 31 December 2010 shall be taken into account.
  11. In calculating the period of employment of a visiting professor pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) in the wording in force from 1 January 2011, the period of employment as a visiting professor pursuant to the provisions of Point 9 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance in the wording in force on 31 December 2010 shall be taken into account.
  12. The provisions of Section 2 of Chapter 12 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) in the wording in force on 31 December 2010 continue to apply in questions relating to decisions issued by virtue of the provisions in the Higher Education Ordinance in the wording in force prior to 1 January 2011.

SFS 2018:1133

  1. This ordinance enters into effect on 1 September 2018.
  2. The ordinance is first applicable when the members of the board of governors are to be appointed for the period after 1 May 2020.

SFS 2018:1504

  1. Sections 4 and 6 a – 6 c of Chapter 4 of this ordinance come into effect on 1 January 2019 and other provisions on 1 January 2022.
  2. When the Swedish Council for Higher Education or the Swedish Defence University issues regulations pursuant to the new Section 6 b and 6 c of Chapter 4, they must prescribe that the provisions will first be applied to admissions to courses and study programmes that start after the end of May 2022.
  3. The provisions in the new Section 6 a of Chapter 4 and the provisions in Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Chapter 4 in their new wording must be first applied to admissions to courses and study programmes that start after the end of May 2022.
  4. The provisions of Sections 5 and 6 of Chapter 4 in their new wording, as regards reference to Section 21 of Chapter 7 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993: 100), must first be applied to tests conducted in the spring of 2022.
  5. Older provisions remain in effect with reference to admissions to courses and study programmes that start before 1 June 2022.


Annex (List of qualification)

Last updated: 14 June 2024