Ordinance on scholarships for students required to pay tuition fees (2010:718)

This version contains amendments up to and including the Act on Amendment of the Ordinance on scholarships for students required to pay tuition fees SFS 2014:234.

Department/Agency: Ministry of Education and Research, Sweden
Issued 17 June 2010 

This translation is for information purposes only and has no legal force. In the event of discrepancies, the Swedish-language version takes precedence.

Section 1

Pursuant to this ordinance, scholarships are granted by public-sector higher education institution that are subject to the Higher Education Act (1992:1434).

These scholarships are intended to promote recruitment of particularly qualified students who are required to pay tuition fees.

Scholarships are awarded insofar as funding permits.

Section 2

In this ordinance higher education institution is used to refer to the universities and university colleges referred to in Section 1, and students required to pay tuition fees those who shall be charged tuition fees pursuant to the Ordinance on application fees and tuition fees at higher education institutions (2010:543).

Section 3

A scholarship may cover tuition fees in their entirety or in part and may be granted on condition that the recipient is required to pay tuition fees.
A higher education institution may issue further regulations on the terms on which scholarships may be granted.
Ordinance (2014:234).

Section 4

A scholarship shall be applied for in writing to the higher education institution offering the tuition that it is intended to fund.

Section 5

The higher education institution determines who is to receive a scholarship and the amount it is to consist of.

Instead of paying a scholarship that has been granted to the recipient, the higher education institution may reduce the tuition fees to be paid by the recipient in the manner prescribed in the third paragraph of Section 6 of the Ordinance on application fees and tuition fees at higher education institutions (2010:543). Ordinance (2011:304).

Section 6

No later than 1 June each year the higher education institution is to provide the Swedish Council for Higher Education with the information it requests relating to scholarships granted. Ordinance (2012:731).

Section 7

If the recipient of a scholarship pursuant to this ordinance is no longer required to pay tuition fees, he or she is obliged to repay that part of the scholarship intended for the section of the programme of study for which he or she is no longer required to pay tuition fees.

The higher education institution may issue regulations on obligations to repay in cases other than that laid down in the first paragraph above.

Section 8

If the recipient of a scholarship is obliged to repay pursuant to Section 7 or regulations that have been issued by virtue of the second paragraph of Section 7, the higher education institution shall decide to demand repayment of that part of the scholarship to which the obligation to repay applies. 

If there are special grounds for doing so, the higher education institution may waive the demand for repayment either wholly or in part.

Section 9

The higher education institution may issue the regulations required for implementation of this ordinance. Section 10No appeal may be made to decisions pursuant to this ordinance.

Transitional provisions


  1. This ordinance enters into effect on 1 August 2010.
  2. The ordinance is to be applied for the first time to applications for tuition it is intended to offer after 31 July 2011.


  1. This ordinance enters into effect on 1 June 2014.
  2. The new wording of the provision is to be applied for the first time with reference to scholarships for a programme of study conducted after 31 July 2014. 

Last updated: 23 February 2023