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- Recognition of foreign qualifications ,
- Qualifications Assessment Tool ,
- Bosnia and Herzegovina ,
Qualifications Assessment Tool
This tool tells you what your foreign qualification is comparable to here in Sweden. Start by searching for the country your education is from. Download a PDF and use it when looking for employment. You will also find out if you meet the general entry requirements for higher education studies.
Assessments of over 1000 qualifications from 88 countries available.
Can't find your degree? Not all qualifications are included, however you can apply for a recognition statement for all countries.
Results: 14 qualifications
Диплома о положеном матурском испиту у гимназији
Diploma o polozenom maturskom ispitu u gimnaziji
General secondary education
Upper secondary -
Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi
General secondary education
Upper secondary -
Diploma opće gimnazije
General secondary education
Upper secondary -
Диплома о положеном матурском испиту у стручној школи
Diploma o polozenom maturskom ispitu u strucnoj skoli
4-year secondary vocational education
Upper secondary -
Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (tehničar)
4-year secondary vocational education
Upper secondary -
Diploma o zavrsenoj srednjoj stručnoj skoli
3-year secondary vocational education
Upper secondary -
Diploma / Svjedočanstvo o završenom postsekundarnom obrazovanju
Diploma / Certificate of Completed Post-Secondary Education
Post-secondary vocational -
Higher education -
Higher education -
Doktor medicine
Higher education -
Doktor stomatologije
Higher education -
Doktor veterinarske medicine
Higher education -
Higher education -
Doktor nauka
Higher education